The Six Pack Dad Tribe
I'm looking for a few more awesome 1-on-1 dad clients to personally help reach their target weight, get to 10% body fat, and enjoy that as a long term, sustainable lifestyle. www.thesixpackdadtribe.com
The Six Pack Dad Tribe
51: Tyson's wife's story about anxiety and OCD (skip to 4:45)
Tyson Johnson
One of our coaching clients (Adam Buck) runs a great podcast with his wife called "Mequell Buck: Thriving with Mental Illness." They learned that Tyson's wife (Cheri) has dealt with anxiety and OCD for 15+ years, so they did an interview where Cheri she shares her story, including insights around health and fitness. Interview starts at 4:45 mark.
To learn more about The Six Pack Dad Tribe, go to www.thesixpackdadtribe.com