The Six Pack Dad Tribe
The Six Pack Dad Tribe
60: Intentionality & False Identity with Greg Johnson (CEO) and Doug Stoddard (habit breaker expert)
Topic: "Not giving in to the victim's chair and false identity... becoming intentional in the observer's chair."
Hosts: Greg Johnson started his journey with our dad tribe 2 years ago, having just torn his quad leg muscle. He's now down 50 lbs and has become a tribe coach. He and Doug (elite habit breaker coach) share key insights on taking ownership of your health and life.
Audience: This event is specifically for men who are owners, VP's, directors, c-suite, medical professionals, and attorneys.
To learn more about The Six Pack Dad Tribe fat loss transformation coaching, go to www.thesixpackdadtribe.com
To have a discovery call with Doug Stoddard (habit breaker executive coach), go to https://habitbreakerdiscoverycall.you... or email him at doug@dougstoddard.com. He specializes in coaching for executives and entrepreneurs and comes highly recommended from one of our tribe member executives.
To learn more about The Six Pack Dad Tribe, go to www.thesixpackdadtribe.com