The Six Pack Dad Tribe
I'm looking for a few more awesome 1-on-1 dad clients to personally help reach their target weight, get to 10% body fat, and enjoy that as a long term, sustainable lifestyle. www.thesixpackdadtribe.com
The Six Pack Dad Tribe
68: Interview with Tyson Johnson (tribe founder)
Tyson Johnson
Season 1
Episode 68
Interview with Tyson Johnson, founder and owner of The Six Pack Dad Tribe. About him: 40 year old busy professional dad happily married with 3 kids. 20% Body Fat down to Sub 10% in 2004 and maintained since! His program boasts that 96% of Tribe Members who follow the 1:1 coaching program average 20 lbs of fat loss in 90 days (as the beginning of their new sustainable lifestyle!) To learn more, go to www.thesixpackdadtribe.com.com
To learn more about The Six Pack Dad Tribe, go to www.thesixpackdadtribe.com