The Six Pack Dad Tribe
I'm looking for a few more awesome 1-on-1 dad clients to personally help reach their target weight, get to 10% body fat, and enjoy that as a long term, sustainable lifestyle. www.thesixpackdadtribe.com
The Six Pack Dad Tribe
69: Wade Reed Interview: How Financial Strategies and Weight Loss Go Hand in Hand
Tyson Johnson
Season 1
Episode 69
Interview with Wade Reed, Sales Representative for The Six Pack Dad Tribe
About Wade:
Family Man, married for 20 years with 6 kids.
Mountain Biker, Snowboarder, and Life Long Learner!
Wealth Strategist and Financial Coach.
Wade is currently in Phase 2 of the program, dedicated to the cultivation of lean muscle mass and the refinement of his physique.
Contact Wade:
email: wreed@paradigmlife.net
bio: https://paradigmlife.net/about/wade-reed/
scheduling link: www.calendly.com/wadereedpl
To learn more about The Six Pack Dad Tribe, go to www.thesixpackdadtribe.com